
Videos and slides are now available
We have uploaded videos of some of the talks on YouTube. Unfortunately not all talks have been recorded because of technical issues. Slides are available as a single zip file (75 Mb).
Richard McElreath -- Bayesian Statistics without Frequentist Language:
Martin Stjernman -- Joint species modelling. Beautiful in theory, tricky in practice:
Shravan Vasishth -- Finite mixture modeling: a case study involving retrieval processes in sentence comprehension:
Mark Andrews --Teaching Bayesian methods to social scientists:
Stefan Wiens -- Making the most of your ANOVAs: From NHST to Bayesian analyses:
Judith Bütepage -- Learning to make decisions under uncertainty:
Bayes@Lund: 20 April 2017, Lund, Sweden
Welcome to the fourth edition of Bayes@Lund! The purpose of this mini-conference is to bring together people working with or interested in Bayesian statistical methods. Bayes@Lund aims at being accessible to researchers with little experience in Bayesian methods while still being relevant to experienced practitioners (see previous editions 2016, 2015,2014).
The conference will be held on 20 April 2017 starting at 9.00 and ending at 17.00. It will include contributed talks and invited presentations by Prof. Richard McElreath and Prof. Darren Wilkinson. The day before (19 April) there will be an introductory tutorial on Bayesian analysis.
The organization of Bayes@Lund 2017 is made possible thanks to BECC, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate, and the COMPUTE research school, both at Lund University.
Invited talks
We are delighted to have as invited speakers Prof. Darren Wilkinson and Prof. Richard McElreath. They will give a 45 minutes keynote lecture each.
- Darren Wilkinson is professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Newcastle University (UK) and co-Director of the ESPRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cloud Computing for Big Data at Newcastle University. He has authored more than 100 research articles in Bayesian methodology, Bayesiancomputation, systems biology and stochastic modelling. He is the author of an influential monograph published by CRC Press in 2012, entitled Stochastic Modelling for Systems Biology.You can also follow his blog. He will talk on "Hierarchical modelling of genetic interaction in budding yeast".
- Richard McElreath is professor and director of the Department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Germany). He has authored more than 100 research articles in ecology and human evolution. He is the author of two monographs, including the acclaimed Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (CRC Press, 2015). Some of his lectures are available on YouTube. He will talk on "Understanding Bayesian statistics without frequentist language".
The program is now available. You can also find the abstracts booklet with maps and tips.
Call for contributions
The call is now closed.
Conference registration
Registration to the conference is now closed.
Important dates
- registration opens on 6 February 2017
- registration closes on 10 April 2017 (we recommend to sign up early; max 150 participants)
- Tutorial on Bayesian analysis 19 April 2017
- The conference: 20 April 2017
- Conference (20 April): auditorium MA4, Mathematics Annex building, Sölvegatan 20, Lund. A map. The conference will start at 9.00am, but see the program for full details.
- Tutorial (19 April): auditorium MH:C, 13.00-15.00, Matematikcentrum. More info on the tutorial at this page.
Please notice that the two events above are in different buildings! Check the maps provided.
Pre-conference intro tutorial
A free 2 hours introductory tutorial on Bayesian analysis will be given on 19 April 2017, the day before the conference. Registration for the tutorial and further info are available at this page.
For the exact conference venue and tutorial venue please look in the "Location" section above.
Directions to Lund and the Centre for Mathematical Sciences are at this page.
A number of options for accommodation in hotels and guesthouses at discounted prices are available on this page.
For info and questions please contact us at
For other future events:
For events related to Bayesian analysis happening in the neighborhood of Lund subscribe the Bayes@Lund mailing list at (this mailing list is not formally connected to the conference).
More broadly, if you wish to get notified of events in the Nordic countries that relate to Bayesian analysis subscribe the Bayes Nordics mailing list .
Organizing and Scientific committee
- Umberto Picchini, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University
- Ullrika Sahlin, Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, Lund University
Scientific committee:
- Rasmus Bååth,
- Johan Lindström, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University
- Jonas Wallin, Department of Statistics, Lund University