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MASA01: Mathematical statistics, basic course, 15hp


  • Introductory lecture and course start: Monday September 3 2018, at 10:15-12:00 in MH:309A.
  • Lectures: Mondays 10:15-12:00 and Wednesdays 10:15-12:00.
  • Exercises: Thursdays 10:15-12:00.
  • Detailed weekly schedule can be found here. IMPORTANT CHANGE: The re-exam on November 16th is CANCELLED. The re-exam will be given instead on November 30th.

Course book 

  • Anevski, D. "A concise introduction to Mathematical Statistics", Studentlitteratur (2017), second printing of the book.


  • 15 hp, 15 ECTS

Computer labs

  • There will be two computer labs (see time edit schedule above for time and place.)
  • Lab 1 on probability theory. Lab instructions can be found here.
  • Lab 2 on inference theory. Lab instructions can be found here. The data for the regression analysis will be mailed to you.


Teaching Assistant

  • Dragi Anevski, +46 (0)46 222 9611, (Probability theory part)
  • TBA (Inference theory part)

Exam (written and oral)

  • There will be two written exams, one in probability theory, one in inference theory.  There will be one oral exam, on the whole course.
  • Each written exam consists of 6 questions (for examples see the old exams below).
  • The oral exam questions will be taken from this list of questions.
  • The oral exams are January 14-17,§ 2019. Sign up for the ORAL EXAM, here. If you can not suitable find a time there please notify the lecturer.
  • NOTE: Re-exam November 16th is CANCELLED. The re-exam will be given instead on November 30.
  • Tables distributed during the written exams can be found here.

Old exams

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