Registration of all scientific publications in the LUCRIS is mandatory for scientists at Lund University.
Research Portal shows how the information in LUCRIS is shown for the public: Research Portal
Self archiving
Demands that publically funded research must be freely available are being raised by several research funders. This can be done by publishing in a journal that is Open Access, or through so called self archiving, which means to publish in any journal but to afterwards make it freely accessible online, for example by putting the full text version in LUP. Different journals has different policies on what is allowed. A good page to se these policies is Sherpa Romeo.
More information can be found at the page Publish at Lund University Libraries.
Get a persistent digital identifier. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors
Student papers
Student papers written at Lund University are published in the LUP Student Papers bibliographic database. The full text is available for some of the papers and can be searched in the Uppsök database.
Student papers written at Lund University and other education institutions in Sweden that are published in full text can be found in the Uppsök database.