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PhD studies

PhD studies at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Research education at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Lund University provides the opportunity for advanced studies in mathematics, mathematical statistics and its applications at the frontier of modern mathematics. A PhD position at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences is usually 5 years, including 20% departmental duties such as teaching. The time is spent taking courses and working on your own research project. When the research education is completed it leads to a doctoral degree with which you can continue in academia or venture out into industry. The Centre for Mathematical Sciences is shared between the engineering faculty (LTH) and the science faculty, with PhD-students hired at both, respective, faculties.

This page gathers information about research education at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences for you as a PhD-student or for you who wants to becom a PhD-student. More information about the courses in the research education can be found in the tab on your left, and current calls for hiring PhD-students on the following link.

General information

At the Centre for Mathematical Sciences there are PhD-students both from the engineering faculty (LTH) and from the science faculty. The research education follows general study plans, you can read more about the study plans at the centre on the following link.

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Carl Olsson

Director of PhD studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering
+46 46 222 85 65

Magnus Goffeng

Assistant director of PhD studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering
+46 46 222 83 30

Sandra Pott

Director of PhD Studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science

Stanislav Volkov

Director of PhD studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Statistics
+46 46-222 95 38

Stefano Böhmer

Contact person joint PhD Council, Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Page Manager: | 2022-06-07