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Artificial Inteligence & Machine Learning Projects

Masters and Bachelors Students Directed

Thesis Directed

  • Master - Barasciutti M. and Fossum A. May 30, 2024 with Nordea Market, Köpenhamn.
    Title: Modelling volatility surfaces with variational autoencoders
  • Master - Weizhong Tang & Diego Figueroa, May 26, 2023 with Precise Biometrics AB.
    Title: Synthesizing Fingerpring Images for Enriching the Quantity and Diversity of the Dataset
    Examiner: Karl Åström
  • Master - Oskar Åström, Dec. 2022 & Alovivum AB.
    Title: Non-destructive Biomass and Relative Growth Rate Estimation in Aeroponic Agriculture using Machine Learning.
    Examiner: Mickael Nilsson, math LTH.
  • Master -  Oliver Persson Bogdanovski & Christopher Svenningsson, Dec. 2022.
    Title: Crop characteristics measurement with radar satellite data (Sentinel-1)
    Examiner: Mattias Ohlsson, Physics.
  • Bachelor -  Robert Skoglund, Sept. 29, 2022.
    Title: Self-supervised learning: land classification of satellite imagery.
    Examiner: Johan Lindström, Mathematical Statistics, Lund Univ.
  • Master - Anton Almqvist / Anton Kuusela, May 2022. With supervisor: Carl-Axel Alm
    Title: Positioning using High Resolution 60Hz Radar
    Examiner: Källe Åström.
  • Bachelor - Oisin Clancy, April 2022.
    Title: Classification of EEG recorded Meditative States using Machine Learning
    Examiner: Claus Fuhrer.
  • Master - Joel Wulff, Dec. 2021. With company advisors: Martin Almers and Jesper Jönsson.
    Title: Virtual colouring of blood with the help of deep learning.
    Examiner: Niels Christian Overgaard.
  • Master - Victor Mårtensson, June 2021. With Janne Sakerson Mashie FoodTech Solutions.
    Title: AI-Driven Meal Planning in the FoodTech IndustryA Reinforcement Learning Approach
    Examiner: Karl Åstrom.
  • Master - Maximilian Schön, June 2021.
    Title: Identifying obstacles and key measurements of roof surfaces using a digital surface model and an orthomosaic
    Examiner: Karl Åstrom.
  • Master - Rasmus Helander, June 2021. With Jonas Söderberg at RaySearch.
    Title: Evaluating the efficiency of augmentation by learned transformations for segmentation of magnetic resonance images
    Examiner: Niels Christian Overgaard
  • Master - Niklas Hummer, Nov. 2020. With SGU and Dept. of Geology.
    Title: Machine learning methods on Swedish geological data.
    Examiner: Magnus Wiktorsson.
  • Bachelors - Dennis Hein, Oct. 2020.
    Title: Super-resolution and object detection from low resolution images - social distancing AI
    Examiner: Magnus Wiktorsson.
  • Master - Karl Tengelin. Co-advisor Hugo Lungeen and Jimmy Karlsson, Century AI, May 2020.
    Title: Algorithms for identifying and classifying tick clustering in the currency exchange market. Examiner: TBA.
  • Bachelors - Yichen Liu. June 2020.
    Title: Resolving hybrid system dynamics with Neural ODEs.
    Examiner: Claus Fuhrer, Math. LTH.
  • Master - Thomas Hamfelt internship Nordea - Denmark, May 2020.
    Title: Multivariate Timeseries Forecasting and Data Augmentation for Heavy Industries.
    Examiner: TBA.
  • Master - Simon Sjögren. Sept 2019.
    Title: Designing a deep neural network for time-series prediction featuring traffic data.
    Examiner: Claus Fuhrer, Math. LTH.
  • Bachelors - Christoffer Svenningsson. Sept. 2019.
    Title: Modelling driver behavior with artificial neural networks.
    Examiner: Mattias Ohlsson, Physics, LTH.
  • Master - Joel Andersson. Co-advisor Davide Gamba, CERN. Dec. 2019.
    Title: A Linear Framework for Orbit Correction in the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider.
    Examiner: Eskil Hansen, Math, LTH.
  • Master - Frej Berglind. Co-advisor Jianhua Chen, Luissiana State Univ. Dec. 2019.
    Title: Adaptive Distributional Temporal Difference Learning for Game Playing using Deep Neural Networks.
    Examiner: Johan Lindstrom, Statistics, LTH.
  • Master - Erik Norlander. Co-advisor Richard Henricsson, Handelsbank, June 2019.
    Title: Clustering and Anomaly Detection in Financial Trading Data Using the Conditional Latent Space Variational Autoencoder.
    Examiner: Johan Lindstrom, Statistics LTH.
  • Bachelors - Thomas Hamfelt. Aug. 2019.
    Title: Forecasting the USD/SEK exchange rate using deep neural networks.
    Examiner: Magnus Wiktorsson, Statistics LTH.
  • Bachelors - Oskar Stigland. Co-advisors Morten Arngren and Vlad Sandulescu, Adform. Sept. 2018.
    Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Real-Time Bidding
    Examiner: Johan Lindstrom, Statistics LTH.
  • Masters - Gustav Lundberg. Sept. 2018.
    Title: Transfer Learning in Autonomous Vehicles Using Convolutional Networks.
    Examiner: Mattias Ohlsson, Physics LTH.
  • Masters - Erik Ackzell. Nov. 2022.
    Title: Modeling rush hour vehicular traffic using a machine learning approach.
    Examiner: Claus Fuhrer, Math-NA, LTH.
  • Bachelors - Johan Peter Moler. June 2018.
    Title: Description: Studying and forecasting trends for crypto-currencies via a machine learning approach.
    Examiner: Claus Fuhrer, Math-NA, LTH.
  • Masters -Arwin Sohrabi. May 2018
    Title: A machine learning model for stock market trading predictions, Examiner: Claus Fuhrer, Math-NA, LTH.
  • Masters - Anders Hansson. May 2018.
    Title: An improved deep learning network for racing with a self-driving vehicle,
    Examiner: Kalle Astrom, Math-Visualization, LTH.
  • Bachelors -Nora Ibrahim, June 2017
    Title: Designing a deep learning network for self-driving vehicles,
    Examiner: Claus Fuhrer, Math-NA LTH.

Examiner for Thesis

  • Master - Erik Rydengård and Hector Jakobsson, June 14, 2024
    title: Diagnosis of bloodstream infections using machine learning
    Advisor: Ida Arvidsson
  • Master - Hannes Östergren, March 12, 2024
  • Master - Emma Amnemyr and Daniel Björklund, June 6, 2024
    Title: Active learning for improving machine learning-based detection of coffee berry desease
    Advisor: Karl Åström
  • Masters - Elias Aronsson, June 14, 2023, with Sandvik AB.
    Title: Machine Learning to Assist Auditing
    Advisor: Anders Heyden
  • Masters - Sanna Amirijoo and Karl Niwong, June 12, 2023 with Zenseact Markus Eriksson, Philip Jansson and Junsheng Fu.
    Title: Learning Based Road Estimation
    Advisor:  Karl Åström
  • Masters - Vassilis Georgelis and Gustav Laurell, June 2, 2023.
    Title: Benchmarking of Machine Learning Models in a Federated Setting
    Adviros: Ida Arvidsson and Linda Karlsson.
  • Bachelors - Melanie Fournier, June 1st, 2023.
    Title: Reinforcement Learning for the Optimization of Explicit Runge Kutta Method Parameters
    Advisor: Philipp Birken
  • Masters - Elias Aronsson, Sandvik Rock processing solutions, Feb. 2023
    Title: Machine learning to assist auditing
    Advisor - Anders Heyden
  • Master - Anton Samuelssson, June 16, 2022
    Title: Reinforcement learning for image patch localization
    Advisor: Karl Åström
  • Masters - Emil Eliasson, Sep 2022.
    Title: Global Indoor Positioning Using Crowdsourced Data
    Advisor: Kalle Åström
  • Masters - Emil Eliasson, Sept. 1, 2022
    Title: Global indoor positioning using drowdsourced data.
    Advisor - Kalle Åström
  • Masters - Simon Sjogren, Sept. 24 2021
    Title: The derivation of first and second order backpropagation methods for fully connected and convolutional neural networks.
    Advisor - Tony Stylfjord
  • Bachelors - Isabela Vinterbladh, December 2019
    Title: Parameter estimation with the non-linear Levenberg-Marquardt method on hydrogeological models.
  • Masters - Magnus Hansson and Christoffer Olsson, August 2017
    Title: Feedforward neural networks with ReLU activation functions and linear splines.
Sidansvarig:  | 2022-03-21