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Articles in Scientific Journals


  1. V. Schüller, P. Birken, A. Dedner: Convergence Properties of Iteratively Coupled Surface-Subsurface Models, pdf on arxiv
  2. L. Versbach, P. Birken, V. Linders, G. Gassner: Local Fourier Analysis of a Space-Time Multigrid Method for DG-SEM for the Linear Advection Equation, pdf on arxiv
  3. V. Linders, P. Birken: Locally conservative and flux consistent iterative methods, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., to appear, pdf on arxiv
  4. P. Meisrimel, A. Monge, P. Birken: A time adaptive multirate Dirichlet-Neumann waveform relaxation method for heterogeneous coupled heat equations, ZAMM 103(11), 2023, pdf
  5. V. Linders, H. Ranocha, P. Birken: Resolving Entropy Growth from Iterative Methods, BIT Numerical Analysis 63(4), 2023, Online first, pdf
  6. L. Versbach, V. Linders, R. Klöfkorn, P. Birken: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Space-Time DG-SEM Implementations, SMAI 9, 2023, pp. 61-93, pdf
  7. P. Meisrimel, P. Birken: Waveform Relaxation with asynchronous time-integration, ACM TOMS 48(4), 2022, pdf
  8. P. Birken, V. Linders: Conservation properties of iterative methods for implicit discretizations of conservation laws, J. Sci. Comput. 92(2), 2022, pdf on arxiv
  9. P. Meisrimel, P. Birken: Goal oriented time adaptivity using local error estimates,  Algorithms 13 (5), 2020, 113, pdf (Open Access)
  10. Rüth, B., Uekermann, B., Mehl, M., Birken, P., Monge, A., and Bungartz, H.-J. Quasi-Newton Waveform Iteration for Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction, Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 2020, Online first, pdf (Open Access)
  11. L. Versbach, P. Birken, G. Gassner: Subcell Finite Volume Multigrid Preconditioning for High Order
    Discontinuous Galerkin Methods,
    IJCFD 33(9), 2019, pp. 353-361, pdf
  12. A. Monge, P. Birken: A multirate Neumann-Neumann waveform relaxation method for heterogeneous coupled heat equations, SIAM J. Sci Comput. 41(5), 2019, pp. S86-S105, pdf
  13. M. Schlutow, E. Wahlén, P. Birken: Spectral stability of nonlinear gravity waves in the atmosphere, Math. Clim. Weather Forecast 5(1), 2019, pp. 12-33, pdf
  14. P. Birken, J. Bull, A. Jameson: Preconditioned smoothers for the full approximation scheme for the RANS equations, J. Sci. Comput. 78(2), 2019, pp. 995-1022, pdf (Open Access) and code
  15. A. Monge, P. Birken: On the convergence rate of the Dirichlet--Neumann iteration for unsteady thermal fluid structure interaction, Computational Mechanics 62(3), 2018, pp. 525-541, pdf
  16. D. S. Blom, P. Birken, H. Bijl, F. Kessels, A. Meister, A. H. van Zuijlen: A comparison of Rosenbrock and ESDIRK methods combined with iterative solvers for unsteady compressible flows, Adv. Comp. Math. 42(6), 2016, pp. 1401-1426, pdf
  17. K. Osswald, A. Siegmund, P. Birken, V. Hannemann, A. Meister: L2Roe: A low-dissipation version of Roe's approximate Riemann solver for low Mach numbers, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 81(2), 2016, pp. 71–86, Pdf
  18. P. Birken, T. Gleim, D. Kuhl, A. Meister: Fast Solvers for Unsteady Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 79(1), 2015, pp. 16-29, Pdf
  19. P. Birken: Termination Criteria for Inexact Fixed Point Schemes, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 22(4), 2015, pp. 702-716 Pdf
  20. J. Schäfer, X. Huang, S. Kopecz, P. Birken, M. K. Gobbert, A. Meister: A Memory-Efficient Finite Volume Method for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Systems with Non-Smooth Sources, Num. Meth. PDEs 31(1), 2015, pp. 143–167, Pdf
  21. P. Birken, G. Gassner, M. Haas, C.-D. Munz: Preconditioning for modal discontinuous Galerkin methods for unsteady 3D Navier-Stokes equations, J. Comp. Phys 240, 2013, pp. 20-35, Pdf
  22. P. Birken: Optimizing Runge-Kutta smoothers for unsteady flow problems, ETNA 39, 2012, pp. 298-312, Pdf and the code used, licensed under GPL-3.0
  23. P. Birken, K. J. Quint, S. Hartmann, A. Meister: A Time-Adaptive Fluid-Structure Interaction Method for Thermal Coupling, Comp. Vis. Science, 13(7),  2011, pp. 331-340, Pdf
  24. P. Birken and A. Jameson: On Nonlinear Preconditioners in Newton-Krylov-Methods for Unsteady Flows, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 62, 2010, pp. 565-573, Pdf
  25. P. Birken, A. Meister, J. Duintjer Tebbens and M. Tuma: Preconditioner updates applied to CFD model problems, APNUM 58(11), 2008, pp. 1628-1641, Pdf
  26. P. Birken: Numerical Simulation of Tunnel Fires using preconditioned Finite Volume Schemes, ZAMP 59, 2008, pp. 416-433, Pdf
  27. P. Birken and A. Meister: Stability of Preconditioned Finite Volume Schemes at Low Mach Numbers, BIT 45(3), 2005, pp. 463-480, Pdf


  1. P. Birken: Numerical Methods for Unsteady Compressible Flow Problems, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003025214
  2. P. Birken: Numerical methods for the unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations, Habilitationsschrift, Universität Kassel, 2012, Pdf
  3. P. Birken: Numerical Simulation of Flows at Low Mach Numbers with Heat Sources, 2006, Shaker Verlag, also Dissertation, 2005, Universität Kassel, Pdf

Conference Proceedings

    1. P. Birken, A. Dedner, R. Klöfkorn and J. Kasimir, A Multigrid preconditioner for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Applied to Numerical Weather Prediction, in: ECCOMAS 2024, pdf
    2. P. Birken, M. Gander, N. Kotarsky: Continuous analysis of waveform relaxation for heterogeneous heat equations, Proceedings of the 28th Domain Decomposition conference, submitted, pdf
    3. N. Kotarsky, P. Birken: On the choice of the time window length for waveform iterations for coupled problems, in M. Papadrakakis, B. Schrefler and E. Oñate (Eds), X International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2023, pdf
    4. V. Linders, P. Birken: On the Consistency of Arnoldi-Based Krylov Methods for Conservation Laws, PAMM 23(1), 2023, pdf
    5. J. Kasimir, L. M. Versbach, P. Birken, G. J. Gassner, R. Klöfkorn: An Finite Volume Based Multigrid Preconditioner for DG-SEM for Convection-Diffusion, in: WCCM-ECCOMAS2020, pdf 
    6. M. Görtz, P. Birken: On the Convergence Rate of the Dirichlet-Neumann Iteration for Coupled Poisson Problems on Unstructured Grids. In: Klöfkorn R., Keilegavlen E., Radu F., Fuhrmann J. (eds) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples. FVCA 2020. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 323. Springer, Cham, pdf
    7. A. Monge, P. Birken: Towards a time adaptive Neumann-Neumann waveform relaxation method for thermal fluid-structure interaction, in Proceedings of the 25th Domain Decomposition conference,  Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 138, Springer, Haynes, R., MacLachlan, S., Cai, X.-C., Halpern, L., Kim, H.H., Klawonn, A., Widlund, O. (Eds.), 2020, pp. 466-473, pdf
    8. A. Monge, P. Birken: A time-adaptive Dirichlet-Neumann waveform relaxation method for coupled heterogeneous heat equations, PAMM 19(1), 2019, pdf
    9. L. M. Versbach, P. Birken, G. Gassner: Finite volume based multigrid preconditioners for discontinuous
      Galerkin methods,
      PAMM 18(1), 2018, pdf
    10. P. Meisrimel, P. Birken: On Goal Oriented Time Adaptivity using Local Error Estimates, PAMM 2017 (1), 2017, pp. 849--850, pdf
    11. T. Gleim, P. Birken, M. Weiland, D. Kuhl, A. Meister and O. Wünsch: Experimental and Numerical Aspects of a Thermal Fluid-Structure Phenomenon, Proceedings of ICNAAM 2016, AIP Conference Proceedings 1863, 410004 (2017), pdf
    12. V. Straub, S. Ortleb, P. Birken and A. Meister: Adopting (s)EPIRK Schemes in a Domain-Based IMEX Setting, Proceedings of ICNAAM 2016, AIP Conference Proceedings 1863, 410008, pdf
    13. V. Straub, S. Ortleb, P. Birken, A. Meister: Efficient Time Integration of IMEX Type using Exponential Integrators for Compressible, Viscous Flow Simulation, PAMM 16, 2016, pp. 867-868, pdf
    14. P. Birken, J. Bull, A. Jameson: A Note on Terminology in Multigrid Methods, PAMM 16, 2016, pp. 721-722, pdf
    15. A. Monge, P. Birken: Convergence Analysis of the Dirichlet-Neumann Iteration for Finite Element Discretizations, PAMM 16, 2016, pp. 733-734, pdf
    16. Monge, A., P. Birken: Convergence analysis of coupling iterations for the unsteady transmission problem with mixed discretizations, in M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Stefanou, V. Plevris (eds.), ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 1530-1544, Pdf
    17. P. Birken, J. Bull, A. Jameson: A study of multigrid smoothers used in compressible CFD based on the convection diffusion equation, in M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Stefanou, V. Plevris (eds.), ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 2648-2663, Pdf
    18. Monge, A., P. Birken: Convergence Speed of Coupling Iterations for the Unsteady Transmission Problem, in B. Schrefler, E. Oñate and M. Papadrakakis (Eds), VI International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2015, pp. 452-463, Pdf
    19. P. Birken, T. Gleim, D. Kuhl, A. Meister: Extrapolation in Time in Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction in M. Mehl, M. Bischoff, M. Schäfer (eds.): Recent Trends in Computational Engineering -- CE2014, LNCSE 105, Springer, 2015, pp. 215-231, Pdf
    20. T. Gleim, P. Birken, M. Weiland, D. Kuhl, A. Meister and O. Wünsch: Thermal fluid-structure-interaction - Experimental and numerical analysis, AIP Conference Proceedings 1648, 560003 (2015), Pdf
    21. D. Blom, H. Bijl, P. Birken, A. Meister, A. van Zuijlen: Rosenbrock Time Integration for Unsteady Flow Simulations in S. Idelsohn, M. Papadrakakis and B. Schrefler (Eds), V International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2013, Pdf
    22. P. Birken, T. Gleim, D. Kuhl, A. Meister: Fast Solvers for Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction, in B. Brinkmann and P. Wriggers (Eds), V International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2013, Pdf
    23. H. Bijl, P. Birken, A. Meister, A. van Zuijlen: A comparison of the efficiency of Rosenbrock and DIRK variants, PAMM 12, 2012, pp. 675-676, Pdf
    24. M. Weiland, M. Berth, P. Birken, S. Carstens, D. Kuhl, A. Meister, O. Wünsch: Experimental investigations of thermal fluid structure interaction, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, pp. 127-133
    25. P. Birken, T. Gleim, D. Kuhl, A. Meister: Numerical Simulation of Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction using the Nonlinear Heat Equation, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, pp. 103-108
    26. M. Bauer, P. Birken, V. Hannemann, K. Oßwald: Accuracy In A Finite Volume Godunov Type Method, in A. Dillmann, G. Heller, H.-P. Kreplin, W. Nitsche, I. Peltzer (eds.), New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VIII, Springer, 2013, pp. 387-394
    27. P. Birken, G. Gassner, M. Haas, C.-D. Munz: Efficient time integration for discontinuous Galerkin method for the unsteady 3D Navier-Stokes equations in J. Eberhardsteiner et.al. (eds.), European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), pdf
    28. P. Birken: Solving nonlinear systems inside implicit time integration schemes for unsteady viscous flows, pp. 57-71 in R. Ansorge, H. Bijl, A. Meister, T. Sonar (eds.), Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Springer, Pdf
    29. V. Hannemann, A. Siegmund, K. Oßwald, P. Birken, K. Weinman, A. Meister: Dissipation of upwind schemes at high wave numbers, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD7), 2012, 7-2012-2204, Pdf
    30. P. Birken: Designing optimal smoothers for multigrid methods for unsteady flow problems, AIAA Paper AIAA-2011-3233, 2011, Pdf
    31. P. Birken: Towards optimal Runge-Kutta smoothers for multigrid methods for unsteady flow problems, PAMM 11, pp. 743-744, Pdf
    32. P. Birken, K. J. Quint, S. Hartmann, A. Meister: Choosing norms in adaptive FSI calculations, PAMM 10, 2010, pp. 555-556, Pdf
    33. P. Birken, S. Hartmann, A. Meister, K. Quint: On Higher Order Time Integration for Thermal Coupling, in T. Simos, G. Psihoyios, Ch. Tsitouras (eds.): Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009, Volume 2, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2009, pp. 1184-1187
    34. P. Birken and A. Jameson: Blending Dual Time Stepping and Newton-Krylow Methods for Unsteady Flows, PAMM 9, 2009, pp. 597-598, Pdf
    35. P. Birken, K. J. Quint, S. Hartmann and A. Meister: On Coupling Schemes for Heat Transfer in FSI applications, in S. Hartmann, A. Meister, M. Schäfer, S. Turek (eds.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Fluid-Structure Interaction: Theory, Numerics and Applications Herrsching, 2009, Kassel University Press, pp. 21-30, Pdf
    36. P. Birken and A. Jameson: Nonlinear iterative solvers for unsteady Navier-Stokes equations, in E. Tadmor, J.-G. Liu, A. E. Tzavaras, Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Applications and Numerics, AMS, 2009, pp. 429-438
    37. P. Birken: Finite Volume Methods for Low Mach Number Flows under buoyancy in Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Springer, 2008, Benzoni-Gavage, Serre (editors), pp. 331-338
    38. P. Birken, A. Meister, J. Duintjer Tebbens and M. Tuma, Updating preconditioners for permuted non-symmetric linear systems, PAMM 7 (1), 2007, Pdf
    39. P. Birken and A. Meister: Analysis of Finite Volume Schemes in the Low Mach Number Regime, in Proceedings of Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2006, Prague, ed. by Jaromir Prihoda and Karel Kozel
    40. P. Birken and A. Meister: On Low Mach Number Preconditioning of Finite Volume Schemes, PAMM 5 (1), 2005, Special Issue: GAMM Annual Meeting 2005 - Luxembourg, pp. 759-760. Pdf 

    Book Chapters

    1. P. Birken and A. Monge: Numerical Methods for Unsteady Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction, in S. Frei, B. Holm, T. Richter, T. Wick and H. Yang (eds), Fluid-Structure Interaction. Modeling, Adaptive Discretisations and Solvers, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Springer, pp. 129-168, Pdf
    2. S. Hartmann, A. Meister, P. Birken and K. J. Quint: Thermal Fluid-Structure-Interaction of Cooling Processes in Steel Forming, in K. Steinhoff, H. J. Maier, D. Biermann (eds.), Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production, 2009, Auerbach, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 289-298
    3. A. Meister and P. Birken: Asymptotics Based Simulation of Thermo-Mechanical Cooling Processes, in K. Steinhoff, H. J. Maier, D. Biermann (eds.), Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production, 2009, Auerbach, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 299-309 


    Other Publications

    1. P. Birken: Mathematik und Wikipedia im Wissenschaftsjahr, DMV-Mitteilungen 15(4), 2007, pp. 240-241, pdf
    2. P. Birken: Theorie und Numerik von Erhaltungsgleichungen, Lecture Notes, WikiBooks, 2008

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    Sidansvarig:  | 2022-03-12