All Courses, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
All courses in mathematics, mathematical statistics, numerical analysis and scientific computing given at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences as part of our Bachelor, Master or Engineering programmes, as well as free-standing courses, are listed below.
The courses are officially established with course codes at the Faculty of Science or at the Faculty of Engineering. Some courses that are given jointly for students at both faculties therefore have double course codes.
- Courses in the Mathematical Disciplines at the Faculty of Science
- Courses in the Mathematical Disciplines at the Faculty of Engineering
The majority of the courses given at the Faculty of Science are also given as free-standing courses and are then open for applications in the Swedish university admission system during the national admission periods (15 March - 15 April for courses given in the following autumn semester and 15 September- 15 October for courses given in the following spring semester).
Courses given by the Faculty of Engineering are also open for applications as special studies, see the following link in Swedish: Specialstudier LTH