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Mathematics students council

MUR (Matematiker Utan Randvillkor) is the mathematics student council at Lund University. It is run by students who are studying mathematics AND are interested in your welfare. This includes:

  • Making sure that the courses you take are of good quality;
  • Making sure that you're studying in a safe and equal environment;
  • Making sure that there are plenty of ways you can interact with your fellow students OUTSIDE of your studies.

MUR is the bridge between mathematics students and the Mathematics department. Perhaps you have grievances related to your studies or perhaps you need specific assistance from the faculty; whatever it might be, we have people elected to deal with specific areas of representation - education, health and safety, corporate relations, equality etc.

The best part is that the students are the ones who decide on the individuals best suited for these positions, so you can expect a dedicated team that works for your benefit! Moreover, if you feel as if you can contribute to our cause through other means than what has been listed, then we have no qualms about creating new positions for you. We encourage that kind of creativity from our students and we certainly want to reward it.

If you want to know more about MUR, please stop by the MUR Room (MH:144, just across from Hörmander lecture hall) and speak to the current committee members. They will be happy to assist you. We also have monthly meetings where we bring members together to discuss pressing issues concerning, well, everything related to the (mathematics) student body.

For information about when the MUR meetings are held, please visit our Facebook group at as well as the associated Facebook page; information about MUR events will be posted there. The same information can be found on the MUR Canvas page, which you will be added to at the beginning of your studies. Alternatively, you are welcome to always email the MUR Chairperson at; they will be more than happy to give you advice.


Contact us

MUR - steering comittee

  • Chair person: Hillevi Uhrberg
  • Vice - chair: Lukas Early
  • Secretary: Jacob von Strokirch
  • Education responsible: Abhijeet Vats
  • Gender and Equality: Jannis Sudergat

Email to:

Students' rights and guidelines

Your rights and responsibilities as a student towards the University and your department are governed by university policies and national laws and regulations.

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